Isha, a former resident of our homelessness project in south London, has just celebrated gaining her British Citizenship.

Finding herself facing homelessness and in need of support, that’s where Oasis Community Housing came in.

Jen Gauden-Hand, Director of Housing at Oasis Community Housing and someone who has worked closely with Isha, was invited to the ceremony to celebrate the significant milestone.

‘I’ve known Isha for over 13 years, ever since she was first referred to our No.3 project after entering the UK a few months earlier,’ explained Jen.

‘I was her Support Worker, and have since stayed in contact with her supporting her on and off over the years, in different ways while working in different roles within Oasis Community Housing.

‘It’s been a long journey for her to get to this point, and it was an utter joy and privilege to see her, along with many others, from so many different countries, become British Citizens.

‘Straight after the ceremony I also supported Isha to apply for her first British passport and register to vote!’

Isha remains living in her own flat, in Southwark and is now working.

The No.3 project, in south London, was one of the first housing projects we set up as a homelessness charity thanks to your generosity, offering support to young women leaving the care system, refugees and others facing homelessness. Today the project has grown across the borough of Southwark and homes and supports 70 people each year.

You could support young people like Isha on their journey out of homelessness by signing up to become a regular giver today >