A New Year and a new Lockdown means many people are considering how to reinvigorate their Lockdown exercise habits, to help keep mind and body healthy.

“I needed to release some inner anxieties and what better way than to run?” says Christine.

Christine signed up for the Great North Run a couple of years ago, but her motivations for starting running then ring as true today for those seeking Lockdown exercise too.

“It actually couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m no athlete; I rarely do exercise to be honest, but I was desperate to achieve something by myself and this was my way of accomplishing something on my own.

“So I took out my ear muffs and headphones and started training.”


Christine had been working for Oasis Community Housing for two years when she decided to take on the famous Great North Run, signing up for one of the charity’s places.

“The cold runs were daunting to begin with, but after getting some warmer running gear I started to enjoy the freedom, the chance for my mind to concentrate on something other than worry and stress.

“Seeing the miles rack up each time was so rewarding.

“I’ll not lie it’s really hard to start off running but once you get into the habit it makes you feel so much better.

“I had previously run the Great North Run about 10 years ago, but didn’t do well at all it took me nearly 4 hours and I hated every second of it.

I smiled from ear to ear the whole way

“This time, on the day, though I didn’t have anyone to compete with – just myself. I just gently jogged through the roaring crowds and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I didn’t stop once, I smiled from ear to ear the whole way through and, when I made it to the finish line 2 and half hours later, I cried.

“The lady who handed me by bag asked why I was crying, and it was because I was so proud of myself. I had ran 13.1 miles without stopping. I had totally doubted myself I always do, thinking, I’m not an athlete, I’m not a runner I can’t do this. But actually I could and I did.

“I’m still so proud of myself to this day … the fact of the matter was that I put my mind to it did it, and raised money for Oasis Community Housing too!

“I would highly recommend doing the Great North Run at least once in your life, it certainly made me realise that you can achieve things if you put your mind to it. I struggle a lot with doubting myself and anxiety. But I managed to do it. So you can too!”

Find out more about running – or walking – for Oasis Community Housing and supporting people facing homelessness this year by visiting our Events pages.